
Redesign of a social
e-commerce website and app that connects second-hand clothing sellers with buyers.


Redesign of a social e-commerce website and app that connects second-hand clothing sellers with buyers.

This product in a concept and is not affiliated with the Depop brand

This product in a concept and is not affiliated with the Depop brand



Depop's active buyers have declined two years in a row, yet it's more important than ever to shop second-hand.

Depop's active buyers have declined two years in a row, yet it's more important than ever to shop second-hand.



Depop's branding can be elevated, and UI/UX can be improved by applying research findings on what incentivizes & deters people from second-hand shopping.

Depop's branding can be elevated, and UI/UX can be improved by applying research findings on what incentivizes & deters people from second-hand shopping.

Secondary Research

Secondary Research

What factors motivate people to buy second-hand clothing?

What factors motivate people to buy second-hand clothing?

(Kawulur et al., 2022)

80% say nostalgia is at least ‘a little’ important.

Amount of trust in the seller, a desire to appear unique, and low prices also influence shopping behavior.

80% say nostalgia is at least ‘a little’ important.

Orientation toward low prices, the desire to appear unique, nostalgia, and trust.

What makes people reluctant to buy second-hand clothing?

What makes people reluctant to buy second-hand clothing?

(Hintz & Josipović, 2022)

(Hintz & Josipović, 2022)

AGNES: “Maybe clothes are not clean, or owner is disgusting, they smell.”

ALICE: “I'm used to buying things new...I'm not very comfortable buying things that another person had, because I think it still has the vibe of the other person.”

AGNES: “Maybe clothes are not clean, or owner is disgusting, the smell.”

ALICE: “I'm used to buying things, uh, new...I'm not very comfortable buying things that other person had, because I think it still has like the vibe of the other person.”

Online or In-Person?

Online or In-Person?

(YouGov, 2024)

Only 26% of Americans surveyed prefer to thrift online. The rest prefer in-person or do not know.

Only 26% of Americans surveyed prefer to thrift online. The rest prefer in-person or do not know.

Who Uses Depop?

Who Uses Depop?

(YouGov, 2024)

It is rather unknown or unused by those over 35. Depop proudly states that 90 percent of its active users are under 26.

It is rather unknown or unused by those over 35. Depop proudly states that 90 percent of its active users are under 26.

My Task

My Task

Integrate 6 key research findings into the Depop Application

Integrate 6 key research findings into the Depop Application



Limited User Age Range



Nostalgic Motivations



Financial Incentive



Importance Of Trust



Concerns With Cleanliness



In-Person Thrifting Preference

Current Mobile App and Branding

Current Mobile App and Branding



Limited User Age Range

Limited User Age Range


Limited User Age Range

Brand Refresh

Brand Refresh

Toned down the overly bright and trendy elements that primarily appeal to Gen Z, intending to target a broader audience.

Toned down the overly bright and trendy elements that primarily appeal to Gen Z, intending to target a broader audience.

2 & 3

2 & 3

Nostalgia & Low Prices

Nostalgia & Low Prices

Relevant Filters

Relevant Filters

Items are tagged with their decade of purchase, allowing users to easily sort by these dates.

Items are tagged with their decade of purchase, allowing users to easily sort by these dates.

Streamline the sorting process by making the 'sort by price' feature more accessible and prominent, eliminating the need to navigate through multiple filters.

Streamline the sorting process by making the 'sort by price' feature more accessible and prominent, eliminating the need to navigate through multiple filters.

4 & 5

4 & 5

Trust & Cleanliness

Trust & Cleanliness

Making a Listing

Making a Listing

A guided photo-taking flow when selling an item that encourages users to highlight imperfections or age spots on clothing. This promotes transparency and fosters greater trust between users.

A guided photo-taking flow when selling an item that encourages users to highlight imperfections or age spots on clothing. This promotes transparency and fosters greater trust between users.

Photo 'cut out' feature incorporated within the 'sell an item' flow. This feature automatically transforms item photos into stickers, eliminating reminders of their past and presenting them as fresh and desirable.

Photo 'cut out' feature incorporated within the 'sell an item' flow. This feature automatically transforms item photos into stickers, eliminating reminders of their past and presenting them as fresh and desirable.



In-Person Thrifting Preference

In-Person Thrifting Preference

"Style Swipe"

"Style Swipe"

'Style Swipe' allows users to quickly scroll through curated suggestions, mimicking the experience of browsing in a thrift store, but with the added advantage of smart recommendations.

'Style Swipe' allows users to quickly scroll through curated suggestions, mimicking the experience of browsing in a thrift store, but with the added advantage of smart recommendations.

More Screens

More Screens

Home & Item Selection

Home & Item Selection

More Screens

More Screens



More Screens

More Screens



2 & 3

Nostalgia & Low Prices

Relevant Filters

Items are tagged with their decade of purchase, allowing users to easily sort by these dates.

Streamline the sorting process by making the 'sort by price' feature more accessible and prominent, eliminating the need to navigate through multiple filters.

4 & 5

Trust & Cleanliness

Making A Listing

A guided photo-taking flow, when selling an item, that encourages users to highlight imperfections or age spots on clothing. This promotes transparency and fosters greater trust between users.

Photo 'cut out' feature incorporated the 'sell an item' flow. This feature automatically transforms item photos into stickers, eliminating reminders of their past and presenting them as fresh and desirable.


In-Person Thrifting Preference

Style Swipe

'Style Swipe' allows users to quickly scroll through curated suggestions, mimicking the experience of browsing in a thrift store, but with the added advantage of smart recommendations.


More Screens

Home & Item Selection

More Screens


More Screens



Redesign of a social
e-commerce website and app that connects second-hand clothing sellers with buyers.


Redesign of a social e-commerce website and app that connects second-hand clothing sellers with buyers.

This product in a concept and is not affiliated with the Depop brand


Depop's active buyers have declined two years in a row, yet it's more important than ever to shop second-hand.


Depop's branding can be elevated, and UI/UX can be improved by applying research findings on what incentivizes & deters people from second-hand shopping.

Secondary Research

What factors motivate people to buy second-hand clothing?

(Kawulur et al., 2022)

80% say nostalgia is at least ‘a little’ important.

Amount of trust in the seller, a desire to appear unique, and low prices also influence shopping behavior.

What makes people reluctant to buy second-hand clothing?

(Hintz & Josipović, 2022)

AGNES: “Maybe clothes are not clean, or owner is disgusting, they smell.”

ALICE: “I'm used to buying things new...I'm not very comfortable buying things that another person had, because I think it still has the vibe of the other person.”

Online or In-Person?

(YouGov, 2024)

Only 26% of Americans surveyed prefer to thrift online. The rest prefer in-person or do not know.

Who Uses Depop?

(YouGov, 2024)

It is rather unknown or unused by those over 35. Depop proudly states that 90 percent of its active users are under 26.

My Task

Integrate 6 key research findings into the Depop Application


Limited User Age Range


Nostalgic Motivations


Financial Incentive


Importance Of Trust


Concerns With Cleanliness


In-Person Thrifting Preference

Current Mobile App and Branding


Limited User Age Range


Limited User Age Range

Brand Refresh

Toned down the overly bright and trendy elements that primarily appeal to Gen Z, intending to target a broader audience.

2 & 3

Nostalgia & Low Prices

Relevant Filters

Items are tagged with their decade of purchase, allowing users to easily sort by these dates.

Streamline the sorting process by making the 'sort by price' feature more accessible and prominent, eliminating the need to navigate through multiple filters.

4 & 5

Trust & Cleanliness

Making a Listing

A guided photo-taking flow when selling an item that encourages users to highlight imperfections or age spots on clothing. This promotes transparency and fosters greater trust between users.

Photo 'cut out' feature incorporated within the 'sell an item' flow. This feature automatically transforms item photos into stickers, eliminating reminders of their past and presenting them as fresh and desirable.


In-Person Thrifting Preference

"Style Swipe"

'Style Swipe' allows users to quickly scroll through curated suggestions, mimicking the experience of browsing in a thrift store, but with the added advantage of smart recommendations.

More Screens

Home & Item Selection

More Screens

More Screens


More Screens

More Screens


2 & 3

Nostalgia & Low Prices

Relevant Filters

Items are tagged with their decade of purchase, allowing users to easily sort by these dates.

Streamline the sorting process by making the 'sort by price' feature more accessible and prominent, eliminating the need to navigate through multiple filters.

4 & 5

Trust & Cleanliness

Making A Listing

A guided photo-taking flow, when selling an item, that encourages users to highlight imperfections or age spots on clothing. This promotes transparency and fosters greater trust between users.

Photo 'cut out' feature incorporated the 'sell an item' flow. This feature automatically transforms item photos into stickers, eliminating reminders of their past and presenting them as fresh and desirable.


In-Person Thrifting Preference

Style Swipe

'Style Swipe' allows users to quickly scroll through curated suggestions, mimicking the experience of browsing in a thrift store, but with the added advantage of smart recommendations.


More Screens

Home & Item Selection

More Screens


More Screens
