X Shore

Swedish all-electric boating company that recently released a new model aimed at marine professional industries: The X Shore PRO.

X Shore

Swedish all-electric boating company that recently released a new model aimed at marine professional industries: The X Shore PRO.

X Shore

Swedish all-electric boating company that recently released a new model aimed at marine professional industries: The X Shore PRO.

The Ask

The Ask

Increase the new model's market penetration in North America, particularly among institutional and corporate clients, while reinforcing X Shore's commitment to sustainability.

Increase the new model's market penetration in North America, particularly among institutional and corporate clients, while reinforcing X Shore's commitment to sustainability.

Chosen Target

Chosen Target

Luxury waterfront hotels that offer their guests aquatic excursions.

Luxury waterfront hotels that offer their guests aquatic excursions.

  1. $130.8 billion market size

  2. 3k+ North American waterfront hotels

  3. Face pressure when it comes to sustainable practices and offering premiere customer experience (CX)

  1. $130.8 billion market size

  2. 3k+ North American waterfront hotels

  3. Face pressure when it comes to sustainable practices and offering premiere customer experience (CX)

The Ask

Increase the new model's market penetration in North America, particularly among institutional and corporate clients, while reinforcing X Shore's commitment to sustainability.

Chosen Target

Luxury waterfront hotels that offer their guests aquatic excursions.

  1. $130.8 billion market size

  2. 3k+ North American waterfront hotels

  3. Face pressure when it comes to sustainable practices and offering premiere customer experience (CX)


3-Part B2B Campaign to…

3-Part B2B Campaign to…

3-Part B2B Campaign to…





Luxury waterfront hotels

Luxury waterfront hotels

Luxury waterfront hotels




See the value that the X Shore PRO could add to their fleet of traditional boats

See the value that the X Shore PRO could add to their fleet of traditional boats

See the value that the X Shore PRO could add to their fleet of traditional boats




Proving that an X Shore PRO would enhance CX by facilitating memorable, seamless, and unique aquatic experiences for guests.

Proving that an X Shore PRO would enhance CX by facilitating memorable, seamless, and unique aquatic experiences for guests.

Proving that an X Shore PRO would enhance CX by facilitating memorable, seamless, and unique aquatic experiences for guests.




The X Shore PRO's silent electric motor allows boaters to be one with nature without polluting it, facilitating an aquatic experience:


The X Shore PRO's silent electric motor allows boaters to be one with nature without polluting it, facilitating an aquatic experience:


The X Shore PRO's silent electric motor allows boaters to be one with nature without polluting it, facilitating an aquatic experience:


Activation #1

Activation #1

Activation #1

A Gift

A Gift

A Gift

Playing on the concept of a "ship in a bottle" and collaborating with a fellow sustainable Swedish company, Absolut Vodka, 500 target hotels will receive a memorable gift.

Playing on the concept of a "ship in a bottle" and collaborating with a fellow sustainable Swedish company, Absolut Vodka, 500 target hotels will receive a memorable gift.

Playing on the concept of a "ship in a bottle" and collaborating with a fellow sustainable Swedish company, Absolut Vodka, 500 target hotels will receive a memorable gift.

Activation #2

Activation #2

An Experience

An Experience

Seven select hotels, deemed likely buyers, receive the gift and an invitation to an exclusive 'sea-to-table' event in the FL Keys.

The shape of this invitation is inspired by a hotel's 'Do Not Disturb' sign, aligning perfectly with our insight of 'undisturbed'.

Seven select hotels, deemed likely buyers, receive the gift and an invitation to an exclusive 'sea-to-table' event in the FL Keys.

The shape of this invitation is inspired by a hotel's 'Do Not Disturb' sign, aligning perfectly with our insight of 'undisturbed'.

The event offers hotel executives a firsthand glimpse of what they can provide their guests: a serene journey paired with sustainable dining, emphasizing the health and preservation of aquatic life.

The event offers hotel executives a firsthand glimpse of what they can provide their guests: a serene journey paired with sustainable dining, emphasizing the health and preservation of aquatic life.

Activation #3

Activation #3

Follow Up

Follow Up

A short video documenting the experience is emailed to guests (audio proving The Power of Silence) along with an opportunity to schedule a personal meeting with an X Shore executive.

A short video documenting the experience is emailed to guests (audio proving The Power of Silence) along with an opportunity to schedule a personal meeting with an X Shore executive.


Increase X Shore Brand Awareness to North American Hotels

1. Increase the number of serious inquiries: Follow-up Email includes an opportunity to meet with an X Shore executive.

2. LinkedIn engagement: Video content would be hard for guests not to share.

Potential second-degree reach = 1,400,000

Potential second-degree reach = 1,400,000

7 (guests at dinner) × 1,000 (avg # connections) = 7,000 initial direct reach + 1,400 additional shares (LinkedIn's average network multiplier is around 20%)

7 (guests at dinner) × 1,000 (avg # connections) = 7,000 initial direct reach + 1,400 additional shares (LinkedIn's average network multiplier is around 20%)


Increase X Shore Brand Awareness to NA Hotels

1. Increase the number of serious inquiries: follow-up email includes an opportunity to meet with an X Shore executive

2. LinkedIn engagement: Video content would be hard for guests not to share.

Additional Brand Touch Points

Additional Brand Touch Points

Landing Page

Landing Page

The X Shore PRO in various recognizable NA locations, helping potential customers envision the boat in environments that resemble where they live and work.

The X Shore PRO in various recognizable NA locations, helping potential customers envision the boat in environments that resemble where they live and work.

Electric Charging Bouy

Electric Charging Bouy

Enhances the undisturbed boating experience, increases brand awareness for boaters moored outside of target locations, and distinguishes X Shore from competitors by exploring a recent innovation in charging tech.

Enhances the undisturbed boating experience, increases brand awareness for boaters moored outside of target locations, and distinguishes X Shore from competitors by exploring a recent innovation in charging tech.

Strategy: Sarah Snyder & Isabella Del Mar Uribe
Art Direction: Sarah Snyder
Copy Writing: Isabella Del Mar Uribe

Strategy: Sarah Snyder & Isabella Del Mar Uribe
Art Direction: Sarah Snyder
Copy Writing: Isabella Del Mar Uribe

Activation #2

An Experience

Seven select hotels, deemed likely buyers, receive the gift and an invitation to an exclusive 'sea-to-table' event in the FL Keys.

The shape of this invitation is inspired by a hotel's 'Do Not Disturb' sign, aligning perfectly with our insight of 'undisturbed'.

The event offers hotel executives a firsthand glimpse of what they can provide their guests: a serene journey paired with sustainable dining, emphasizing the health and preservation of aquatic life.

Potential second-degree reach = 1,400,000

7 (guests at dinner) × 1,000 (avg # connections) = 7,000 initial direct reach + 1,400 additional shares (LinkedIn's average network multiplier 20%)

Activation #3

A Follow Up

A short video documenting the experience is emailed to guests (audio proving The Power of Silence) along with an opportunity to schedule a personal meeting with an X Shore executive.


Increase X Shore Brand Awareness to NA Hotels

1. Increase the number of serious inquiries: Follow-up Email includes an opportunity to meet with an X Shore executive

2. LinkedIn engagement: Video content would be hard for guests not to share.

Charging Bouy

Enhances the undisturbed boating experience, increases brand awareness for boaters moored outside of target locations, and distinguishes X Shore from competitors by exploring a recent innovation in charging tech.

Landing Page

The X Shore PRO in various recognizable NA locations, helping potential customers envision the boat in environments that resemble where they live and work.

Additional Brand Touch Points